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Blog Posts (44)

  • Report on the results of the survey of the needs of the beneficiaries of the NGO “Volunteer - 68”

    This report presents the results of a survey conducted among the beneficiaries of the "Volunteer - 68" Humanitarian Aid Center to determine their socio-demographic characteristics and current needs. The survey covered 555 respondents, including women with disabilities, people with limited mobility, and those who care for bedridden patients or people with disabilities. The study is based on data collected from September 17 to November 28, 2024 , and includes an analysis of the information received through four focus groups. The report provides an in-depth analysis of the life challenges, needs, and level of social support required by these groups.

  • Care Zone in the Epicenter of Pain: How the Shelter “Without Borders” in Kharkiv restores faith in life

    At our initiative, in early 2023, a shelter for people with limited mobility and disabilities was set up in a Kharkiv dormitory. The project was to be implemented within the framework of the program “Warming centers and evacuation: providing assistance to the affected population of Ukraine” with the support of the Diakonie Katastrophenhilfe. The work was carried out with the financial participation of the Vostok SOS Charitable Foundation. The partners allocated over UAH 1,000,000 to purchase the necessary materials and equipment. Thus, the first transit shelter for vulnerable people with physical disabilities was to appear in Kharkiv. And on July 26, 2023, the Bez Boundaries shelter was opened. The shelter is designed to accommodate 34 people at a time. The rooms have all the necessary equipment and functional beds. Medical and psychological assistance will be provided around the clock. The premises are located on the ground floor and have a separate entrance with a ramp. There are no steps or thresholds - all accessibility requirements for people in wheelchairs or with reduced mobility have been taken into account. Shelter will host evacuees from the dangerous areas of Kharkiv, Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts around the clock. It is expected that they will be able to stay here for up to a month while the shelter staff looks for a place for them to live permanently. During this time, lawyers will provide free legal aid to the victims, for example, if they have lost their documents as a result of the war or have problems with pension payments due to prolonged stay in the occupied territory. Head of the Humanitarian Aid Center “Volunteer - 68” Galina Kharlamova It's been almost a year and a half since the Bez Boundaries shelter opened its doors. “Some people stay here for two or three days, others for a month, depending on the situation. On average, it is about two weeks. We restore documents and conduct medical examinations. Afterwards, the evacuees are sent to their relatives or to safe places in Ukraine or Europe, where they can be well taken care of,” says the head of the Humanitarian Aid Center. “Volunteer - 68” Halyna Kharlamova. “We have twelve people working in three shifts, as well as drivers and administrators,” Halyna continues, ”There are caregivers on each shift who provide sanitary and hygienic services. There is a paramedic and a nurse who monitor people's condition. If necessary, a doctor comes to see them.” Even in such bad times, a good initiative with the right approach overcomes hopelessness and despair, giving hope for the future. As of today, the No Borders shelter has helped about three hundred people.

  • Partnership and mutual assistance are part of successful joint projects

    Volunteers in Ukraine are a large and friendly family, where everyone is ready to lend a shoulder to their fellow man without hesitation. Joint evacuations from war zones, distribution and delivery of humanitarian aid, joint participation in tenders... And many, many more areas of collective work for the benefit of affected or threatened people. Cooperation is a practical ideology of volunteering. The CO Charitable Foundation “ East SOS ” has been supporting the activities of our organization for the second year. More than a year ago, we opened the Bez Mezh shelter together. This is a temporary shelter where we take in IDPs who have lost their mobility and people with disabilities who need round-the-clock care. Here, this category of the most vulnerable people has the opportunity to recover a little from the hardships of wartime. And, of course, to receive indispensable help. Thanks to the timely funding of the charity organization, East SOS managed to repair the roof of a new rehabilitation center with a long-term shelter for people with disabilities. Here, people will be able to survive the winter in comfortable and safe conditions, where they will be properly cared for. We sincerely thank our fellow volunteers for their help. Together we will overcome any obstacles.

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Other Pages (30)

  • Helping women | ГО ЦНГД Волонтер-68

    TARGETED ASSISTANCE HELP FOR WOMEN Humanitarian/psychological/social assistance to women with disabilities and women who care for a person with disabilities; The ongoing "60+Active" program of combating and preventing gender-based violence among women aged 60+ with training to combat domestic violence, organization of interaction, networking, and leadership in combating domestic violence; Protection and advocacy of women's rights.

  • Projects | ГО ЦНГД Волонтер-68

    "Піклувальниця" "60+Активна" "Жінки ООН" "Драйв інклюзії 2.0"

  • Temporary shelter "Without borders" | ГО ЦНГД Волонтер-68

    TARGETED ASSISTANCE TEMPORARY SHELTER “WITHOUT BORDERS” Our "WITHOUT BORDERS " shelter is a unique space adapted to the needs of people with reduced mobility . We have created an environment where everyone can feel safe and comfortable. Temporary shelter for persons with reduced mobility "WITHOUT BORDERS ": provision of temporary accommodation for persons with disabilities and the elderly with 24/7 sanitary care; assistance in finding a place of permanent residence for persons with disabilities and the elderly; medical support. Our residents receive not only physical protection, but also comprehensive support, including: medical; psychological; legal assistance; and also have the opportunity to participate in socialization and training programs.

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