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When every minute counts: Evacuation from Vovchansk by "Volunteer - 68"

The Russian offensive in the north of the Kharkiv region in May 2024 began on the night of May 10. Although it had been known that the enemy was aiming to attack in this area since January. So, it was not a surprise.

Our military was preparing, as were our state and local authorities. Volunteers were also on standby in anticipation of mass evacuation.

Since the first days of May, the Russians have intensified shelling and bombardment of the Lipetsk and Vovchansk communities with artillery, MLRS and CABs. So, the mass evacuation campaign started...

Side by side with other rescuers, the evacuation crews of the NGO "Volunteer - 68" began evacuating victims from the Volchansk direction on May 1. Most of them were elderly people with physical limitations, disabled people and families with children. This is due to the fact that our ambulances have special equipment for transportation of bedridden patients. However, if there were free places, we took everyone.

The peculiarity of this evacuation was that due to heavy shelling and the enemy's rather rapid advance - within a week the Russians captured 10 settlements - the victims could only be taken out from a hub relatively remote from the battlefield.

The village of Buhayivka, in the Vovchansk city community, became such a hub. The military and police brought residents of the threatened area here in armored vehicles. The Russians, in their typical manner, are particularly eager to hunt for medical transport and, in general, anything defenseless.

In Buhaivka, everyone was given first aid, their data was checked and they were assigned to crews.

The next point on the way to safety was the Kharkiv transit evacuation center, where the victims were first taken, and from there, depending on their needs and capabilities, they were taken to relatives, dormitories or hospitals.

From May 1 to May 17, the crews of the NGO "Volunteer - 68" carried out 35 evacuations of bedridden and mobility impaired residents of the threatened areas of the north of Kharkiv Oblast. Social support and assistance in transportation to the cities of compact residence was provided to 50 people. Fuel costs amounted to about UAH 100,000.

During this time, we distributed:

  • 390 food parcels worth UAH 198,000;

  • 390 hygiene kits worth approximately UAH 192,000;

  • 120 packages of adult diapers worth UAH 80,000.

This assistance was provided in partnership with the EastSos charitable foundation. The total expenses amounted to UAH 570 thousand. This report does not include the cost of accommodating people with limited mobility in our temporary shelter for people with disabilities and its staff.

All the victims of the Russian aggression, whose lives and health were first taken care of by the military and police, and at the second stage by the staff of the NGO “Center for Humanitarian Aid "Volunteer - 68", eventually fell into the caring hands of the same good people.

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